MonitorsTwo hackthebox writeup
Easy linux machine in which we hack cacti with a CVE, get credentials from a SQL database, and exploit a docker CVE to escalate privileges
hackthebox CVE MySQL docker SUIDEasy linux machine in which we hack cacti with a CVE, get credentials from a SQL database, and exploit a docker CVE to escalate privileges
hackthebox CVE MySQL docker SUIDEasy linux machine in which we hack gRPC via SQL injection and escalate privileges thanks to a pyload CVE
hackthebox gRPC SQL injection CVE pyloadEasy linux machine in which we exploit a known vulnerability,find plaintext credentials, and abuse a relative path
hackthebox RCE git gitea dockerEasy linux machine in which we exploit a CVE found plaintext credentials adn privesc with ansible
hackthebox cron ansible LFI RCEMedium linux machine in which we get LFI forge our own flask token, exploit Chrome in debug mode and use a sudo CVE to privesc
hackthebox cron LFI flaskMedium linux machine in which we exploit a CVE get credentials to a MySQL db then get ssh credentials and lastly find a consul token in a git repository to get root
hackthebox MySQL git port forwarding grafana consulEasy linux machine in which we find a subdomain, bypass a login, get LFI thanks to XSS and escalate privileges via missconfiguration
hackthebox fuzzing NoSQL injection XSS LFI sudoEasy linux machine in which we upload malicious files, we do a sqli in a websocket and privesc thanks to doas and dstat
hackthebox fuzzing MySQL SQL injection websocket doasSimple yet didactic reverse engineering challenge
hackthebox challenge reverse engineeringReally easy linux machine in which we exploit a pdfkit RCE, find plaintext credentials and escalate thanks to a .yaml file
hackthebox RCE