Metatwo hackthebox writeup
Easy linux machine in which we exploit a couple wordpress vulneravilties and crack a couple hashes
hackthebox SQL injection ftp wordpressEasy linux machine in which we exploit a couple wordpress vulneravilties and crack a couple hashes
hackthebox SQL injection ftp wordpressEasy linux machine in which we inject NoSQL code, crack a password, reverse engineer a binary and escalate through docker
hackthebox NoSQL fuzzing reverse engineering dockerEasy linux machine in which we find exposed credentials, exploit a RCE and privilege escalate with PATH manipulation
hackthebox PATH fuzzing RCEEasy linux machine in which we exploit and LFI, poison logs to get RCE, and escalate with both crontab and $PATH
tryhackme LFI log poisoning cron PATHShort post in which I explain how to use java with sudo or with the SUID bit to privilege escalate
real life java sudo SUIDMedium linux machine in which we exploit a non-secure change password functionality, upload malicious files, interact with mongodb and exploit insecure LD_PRELOAD
tryhackme LD_PRELOAD mongodb uploading filesVery easy linux machine in which we upload a malicious php plugin to wordpress, bruteforce a user’s password and find unexpected files in the system
vulnhub bash scripting bruteforcing wordpressIn this article I will share my experience of learning some hacking during my 3 months of summer vacation and criticly analyze if I took the right path. Then I will try and give my best advice.
ctf hackthebox tryhackme vulnhub picoctfVery easy linux machine in which we exploit a LFI to get RCE and abuse a SUID binary
vulnhub log poisoning bruteforcingVery easy linux machine in which we bruteforce credentials and exploit a SUID binary
vulnhub wordpress fuzzing bruteforcing